Kvadrat, client

A visit to any art supply store reveals one common characteristic: pieces of sampling paper next to displays of pens, pencils and crayons, filled with abstract, colourful scribbles. When trying out drawing material, people tend to sketch in carefree, absent-minded motions allowing for moments of spontaneity. Intrigued by this often-overlooked habit, Illenberger has been collecting sampling papers from art shops for a very long time. As the core inspiration for this series, these impromptu jottings were curated and recomposed into a colourful artist edition of printed textile panels. Entitled Script One, Script Two and Script Three, these tactile transformations, which complement Kvadrat’s understated “Blow” curtain, invite the viewer to look again at what they would otherwise ignore. Each panel of this artist edition is numbered and signed by hand.

Images © Robert Rieger
Movie © Jana Buchholz

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